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Holidaymakers advised to protect personal information this summer

Posted on 21 Jun at 9 AM Tags:

Although uppermost in the majority of holidaymaker’s minds as they prepare to jet off this summer will be getting the best travel deals or buying a new wardrobe, there are other things that need to be taken care of before driving to the airport.

Experian Consumer Services UK and Ireland Managing Director, Peter Turner, said it was also important to make sure that fraudsters and burglars are not left unnecessary clues about a person’s absence. He explained that although most will remember to get a friend or family member to take care of the pets and keep an eye on the house, it was up to the individual going away to protect personal information that could fall into the wrong hands while they are abroad.

Before leaving home it is important to contact the bank and any card or service providers as this will help prevent against fraud at home and make tracking money while abroad easier.

As financial information is often kept on electronic devices it is a good idea to clear caches, update security, back up important information and turn off Wifi and the internet router at home.

While away it can be a good idea not to start posting on social network sites such as Twitter or Facebook as this alerts anyone looking that you are not at home. Hackers can also use personal information to set up false accounts knowing a person sitting on a beach is less likely to be aware of what they are up to.

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