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More Brits to holiday at home this year

Posted on 28 Jun at 9 AM Tags:

A recent survey by Travelodge found that as many as two thirds of families in the UK are planning to spend their summer holiday at home this year. The staycation has risen in popularity with families in recent years as foreign holidays become more expensive and budgets become tighter.

In 2012 the number of Brits choosing to holiday at home rose to 41 per cent from 35 per cent the year before. This summer the figure is expected to climb to 65 per cent, according to Travelodge.

However, holidaying in the UK does not mean that people can forget about insurance. Obviously cover is not needed for medical expenses as Brits can still rely on the NHS if they fall ill or have an accident.

Holiday insurance is required if a person falls ill before the holiday and is forced to cancel. It is important to check the home insurance policy to make sure that belongings are covered when taken away from the home. If they are not then additional insurance needs to be taken out to cover the eventuality of things getting lost or stolen.

Those with annual insurance are also advised to check the small print as some policies are very specific about what they cover when a person is travelling in their own country.

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