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Save money by sharing a hotel room with a stranger

Posted on 26 Jul at 9 AM Tags:

An accommodation website is offering single travellers the opportunity to save when they go away by sharing the hotel costs with a complete stranger. Easynest hooks people up with each other if they are prepared to split the bill. Site users are encouraged to create an interesting profile as a way of attracting like-minded travellers.

However, the scheme has attracted its detractors with some travel experts comparing it to something out of a well known Hitchcock movie. Frank Barrett from the Mail on Sunday said saving money on a hotel bill by sharing a bed with a stranger was like saving on the water bill by sharing a shower with Norman Bates.

He added that although it is nice to think the internet is populated by like-minded human beings, it is not always the case. The idea is not completely new and sites like have become extremely popular with travellers on a budget.

Home swapping has also become a popular trend where people from different countries move into each other’s houses for a cheaper holiday.

Recent research found that the majority of Brits would share everyday items with each other if it meant saving cash. Of 1000 respondents to the EE study, 62 per cent said they were willing to share their deodorant.

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